23.0 Free wildflower seeds

Free wildflower seeds

23.1 November 2020

Did you know that Britain is among the most nature-depleted countries in the world? Populations of many wild animal and plant species, that were once considered common, have fallen dramatically over recent decades. Insects have suffered particularly badly – especially pollinators.

The good news is that if we act together – we can help to reverse this decline.

That’s why we are offering you a free packet of wildflower seeds.

It doesn’t matter if you are able to plant a large area or just a few plant pots on a balcony – sowing these seeds will create beautiful beds of wildflowers that will help a wide range of insects.

Each pollinator pack contains 12gms of seeds made up of twenty- six native wildflower species from the Royal Horticultural Society’s list of ‘Plants for Pollinators.’ These are mainly perennial species and a handful of annual and biennial species. They will grow into a wide range of flowers that will blossom from spring through to autumn and make a beautiful addition to your garden. But just as importantly, they will provide a rich and diverse habitat and important source of food for butterflies and bees.

The simple act of taking the time to plant these seeds in your garden can help reverse the decline in insect populations. So simply fill in the form below and we will send you your packet of wildflower seeds – totally free.

Your local butterflies and bees will love them!