1.0 What is Alt-Terre
ALT-TERRE seeks to both reveal the destructive effects of human activities on the Earth and explore how we can act together to heal that damage…
ALT-TERRE seeks to both reveal the destructive effects of human activities on the Earth and explore how we can act together to heal that damage…
Since 2007 poaching of rhinos for their horns has increased. Action is required to stop the illegal trade before this charismatic mammal is lost forever…
Humanity is slowly killing the rich biodiversity that sustains life on the Earth. We need actions for transformative change to secure a sustainable future…
We can still prevent this biodiversity crisis. We can start the process of restoring life by establish enormous natural preserves and replanting forests and meadows…
Lewis the koala became the symbol of the plight of Australian wildlife as a billion animals were estimated to have died in the 2019-20 bushfires.
ALT-TERRE seeks to both reveal the destructive effects of human activities on the Earth and explore how we can act together to heal that damage…
Biologists suggest that a sixth mass extinction may now be under way mostly due to human activities. We need to act quickly to conserve biodiversity…
Humanity edging ever closer to wiping out the great apes. We need to enhance our efforts to protect the future of life on Earth…
Across the UK bees have been dying at an alarming rate. Banning insecticides combined with improved habitat and foraging could save this “keystone” species…
Over 50% of Britain’s plant and animal species are on the brink of extinction and will be lost soon unless we take urgent action…
Global deforestation continues as forests vanish under the chainsaw forever. A new greening would be possible if we all simply planted and cared for trees…
Living artificial lives, we have lost our connection with the Earth. We need to rediscover Nature and our kinship with all things…
Modern civilization threatens the survival of life on the planet. To avoid disaster, we need to abandon our mechanistic thoughts and actions and return home…
Humanity is sleepwalking towards self-inflicted doom. But acting as individuals and together we can make the Earth a “green and pleasant land” once again…
The Earth is a living planet. But human activities are destroying whole ecosystems and driving many species to extinction. We need to stop the ecocide…
Human activities are threatening the existence of once common garden birds. Everything we do has an impact– everyone has a role to play in conservation…
Everyone who has a garden can play a crucial role in a collective effort to help birds and preserve the biodiversity of Britain…
Since 2007 poaching of rhinos for their horns has increased. Action is required to stop the illegal trade before this charismatic mammal is lost forever…
If it continues at the current rate global warming may soon reach 1.5°C. In 2018, a Swedish teenager, Greta Thunberg, protested against international inaction…
The destructive activity of humanity defines the “Anthropocene Age” We all must use our imaginations and become active participants and creators of a better world…
Burning fossil fuels is a major cause of climate change. Photovoltaics harness the suns energy and have the potential to meet global energy requirements…
Humanity is slowly killing the rich biodiversity that sustains life on the Earth. We need actions for transformative change to secure a sustainable future…
We can still prevent this biodiversity crisis. We can start the process of restoring life by establish enormous natural preserves and replanting forests and meadows…
Insect populations have seen a shocking collapse. The main causes are pesticides and the destruction of habitat. Preserving insect abundance should be conservation priority…
This is a climate change emergency. Activists demonstrate to preserve the environment for future generations. They believe a few individuals can make a difference…
Lewis the koala became the symbol of the plight of Australian wildlife as a billion animals were estimated to have died in the 2019-20 bushfires.
Britain has witnessed dramatic declines of wildlife. Perhaps the best way to encourage greater biodiversity is simply growing wildlife friendly plants in our gardens…
Free wildflower seeds 23.1 November 2020 Did you know that Britain is among the most nature-depleted countries in the world? Populations of many wild animal…
Holey habitat 24.1 December 2020 “Rarely a week goes by without more news of the large-scale decline of insects. The threats of habitat loss, climate…
Gardening for wildlife 25.1 January 2021 “When it comes to gardening for wildlife, it’s up to you: you can do a little or you can…
Only when we begin to see the Earth as a living organism and all things, including ourselves, as part of its community – will we begin to care for it.
Human greenhouse gas emissions of are disrupting the Earth’s Climate. We need to make a “Great Transition” to a more sustainable future – and quickly.